This evening at St Michael's we had the first of our monthly Masses with Blessed Carlo. In each of our three churches we have a shrine to Blessed Carlo with a prayer intention box. These were collected to be laid on the altar with our relic of Blessed Carlo at the special Mass. In the photo above you can see the intentions with the relic of Blessed Carlo which was placed in the Lady Chapel for half an hour for people who came for private prayer before the Mass. Many commented on how special this time of prayer was, and how it felt like Adoration. This is hardly surprising because Blessed Carlo was so devoted to Adoration himself and now he intercedes with Jesus for us to come closer to him in the Blessed Sacrament.
From next Monday there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Lady Chapel before Mass each week from 5.50pm to 6.25 pm and then Mass will start at 6.30pm. Following President Putin’s decision to recognise the independence of the self-declared Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Russian troops launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. Church leaders and organisations have issued various statements in response to the crisis throughout the week. A compilation of these, alongside a selection of relevant news articles, can be found here.
For those who wish to make a financial contribution to help the people of Ukraine, please consider giving to the Caritas or Aid to the Church in Need appeals. This week's bulletin is now available to download from the Home Page. The image used in this article was uploaded to Wikipedia by Arikkel under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 Licence. There will be a special Mass tonight in the Lady Chapel at St Michael's to pray for Peace in Ukraine. Please let people know.
There will also be another Mass tomorrow, Saturday at SS Peter & Paul and Online at 10.00am. Sadly someone is sending out email pretending to be Monsignor Mark Crisp. The email even has his photo attached.
If you receive an email from [email protected] please do not reply to it and report it immediately. Remember, only deal with an Email coming from the parish if it finishes with This view of Dresden is an example of what war in Europe looked like at the end of World War II.
Let us keep praying for peace in the Ukraine. Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us! Remember to download the weekly bulletin from the home page so that you know all that is going on in the parish. This year’s Racial Justice Sunday falls on 13 February 2022. The theme is "In the Image and Likeness of God" celebrating different presentations of the Holy Family from different countries and cultures. For more information go to Racial Justice Sunday 2022 - Catholic Bishops' Conference ( You can download resources and posters and listen to the Our Father and Hail Mary in many of the languages of the church.
The bulletin is now ready to download from the Home Page. Please be aware the 01902 341343 is out of action at the moment. Please ring 01902 423005 instead. Many thanks.
The First of our Blessed Carlo Intercession Masses will take place at St Michael’s on February 28th, the second will be at SS Peter & Paul’s on April 1st and the third will be at St Bernadette’s on May 11th. There will soon be a collection box in each church next to his image, so that you can leave your prayer intentions. These boxes will be emptied each month and the intentions from all three churches will be placed on the altar at this special Mass with the relic of Blessed Carlo. The bulletin is now ready to download from the Home Page. |
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
August 2024