Antonia Salzano, the mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis, is making a short visit to London. On Wednesday 31st May from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, there will be Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction presided over by Bishop Nicholas Hudson, especially for young people of the diocese. During this time Antonia will talk about her son’s trust and focus on the Lord in the Eucharist. You can watch this by following the live stream below: On Thursday 1st June at 6.30pm in the Church of Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, there will be a Sung Mass after which Antonia will also talk about her son, his life and his relationship with the Lord. To follow this, click on the second livestream below: Come along and join us singing Christmas carols and listening to the Christmas story as we walk through the City Centre.
The idea is that we all carry LED Lanterns. For a simple instructions to make a lantern, click on the button below. The Cathsoc and Young Adults Group met in Giffard House last night to celebrate the Advent Feast. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate again one of the key moments in the Cathsoc calendar! Remember the Advent Feast is really easy to do at home and is available to download from the Online Mass & Activities page of the website.
The image of Blessed Carlo has been placed in Church ready to be Blessed by Archbishop Bernard at the end of the 10.15 am Mass tomorrow. Identical images will be blessed in St Michael's and St Bernadette's. The timetable for our Feast Day is as follows:
• 10.15 am The Archbishop will celebrate Mass at SS Peter & Paul. This will be live-streamed. The Mass will conclude with the proclamation of the new parish and blessing of an image of Blessed Carlo for that church. This will be followed with veneration of the relic of Blessed Carlo. • 12.30 pm The Archbishop then travels to St Michael’s to join those who have been at the 11.30am Mass for a blessing of an image of Blessed Carlo for that church. This will be followed with veneration of the relic of Blessed Carlo. (This will be followed by refreshments.) • 3.00 pm Archbishop then travels to St Bernadette’s for a service of blessing of an image of Blessed Carlo for that church. This will be followed with veneration of the relic of Blessed Carlo. (This will be followed by refreshments.) Full details of our celebrations can be found on the parish bulletin which can be downloaded from the Home Page. This week's bulletin is now ready to download from the home page. You will find all the details for the Novena of celebrations we are holding for our first Parish Feast Day of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Everyone will be given prayer cards this weekend with this image of Blessed Carlo on the front and our new parish prayer on the back.
THE PARISH OF BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS WOLVERHAMPTON Founded 15th December 2020 O God, our Father, thank you for giving us Carlo, a model of life for young people, and a message of love for all. His love for your Son, Jesus, in the Eucharist, was his source of strength and his ‘highway to heaven’. You gave him Mary, as beloved Mother, and through the Rosary he sang the praises of her tenderness. Help us to imitate him by confirming our faith, nurturing our hope and strengthening our charity. Accept his prayer for us. Look above all upon the poor, whom he loved and assisted and through his intercession, may our parish become a vibrant community of missionary disciples, dedicated to the fruitful building of your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. If you get a chance please watch this excellent edition of Songs of Praise. It is filmed in our local Catholic Heritage site, Boscobel House and the Robinson family give a wonderful witness to their Catholic Faith, as does Frank Skinner!
Click the link below to watch the program. Although it says BBC1, it was moved to BBC Two because of the Olympics. EWTN are showing a film about Blessed Carlo Acutus. You can watch it for free if you do so before the end of May. Follow the link below to access their website.
I encourage you to buy this great new booklet on the life and mission of Blessed Carlo Acutis. It will greatly help us in our parish to foster devotion to our new patron and begin to learn his path to holiness. It is available from the Catholic Truth Society. Click the button below access to their website. Fr Mark
We received the news yesterday that the official decree has come through and we are now the parish of Blessed Carlo Acutis! Once we are through the present difficulties with the pandemic, we will have a great celebration! Let us pray to Blessed Carlo that we will safely reach that day very soon.
God Bless, Fr Mark The Bishops of England and Wales met last week and responded to the IICSA Report by overhauling the Safeguarding Structures across all Dioceses, Religious Orders and other Catholic Organisations in the Country. Please click the button below to read the Statement by the Archbishop of Birmingham and documents of the Bishops’ Conference confirming the acceptance of the independent Elliot Report’s recommendations which lay out the changes to safeguarding structures and procedures within the Church which are necessary to ensure best practice.
This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King and National Youth Sunday. Many thanks to the young people who will be helping take part in the broadcasting of our Masses this weekend. From St Michael's for the 5.30 pm Mass tonight, from SS Peter & Paul for tomorrow morning's Mass at 10.15 am, and from the University tomorrow evening at 7.00 pm.
The bulletin is now ready to download from the 'Mass Times and Bulletin' page, please note that all the information is there for the booking of Christmas Masses. Don't forget the link to the Advent Feast as a way to prepare your family bubble for Christmas, even now during lock-down. Let's pray that the public celebration of Mass may return in time for Christmas! As you will have seen at Mass this morning, the Diocesan Youth team came to promote their work in the diocese and provided the music and readings for our Mass. At the end of Mass, Lucas mentioned various links so that you can follow up on all that they are doing. The buttons below will take to you straight to all the information you need.
Our two Seminarians in Rome, Dave and Toby are in Assisi today and they prayed for all of us at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Between 2015 - 2016 Toby spent a year at SS Peter & Paul's as a pastoral assistant whilst he discerned his vocation to the priesthood. He is now in his 5th year at the Venerable English College in Rome and, God willing, will be ordained a deacon next summer. Dave spent a year at SS Peter & Paul's similarly discerning his vocation from 2016-2017. He will be known to more of you because that was the first year of the amalgamation of our three parishes. Dave then spent a year at the Royal English College in Valladolid in Spain before moving to the Venerable English College in 2018. He is now in his third year of seminary. Many of you will remember when he received the Ministry of Reader online at SS Peter & Paul's earlier in the summer. As they have prayed for us, let us keep them in our prayers! After praying at the tomb of Blessed Carlo, Dave and Toby also visited the new Youth Oratory which is dedicated to him. It lies just behind the old Cathedral where he is buried in Assisi. In the background you can see the tower of the Basilica of St Clare. Dave and Toby are looking forward to welcoming a parish youth pilgrimage there. Not to mention a parish pilgrimage for the not so young as well!
THIS WEEK'S BULLETIN is now ready on the Mass Times and Bulletin page. As I write this, I am aware that we may be going into another lock-down. If so, the schedule of Masses on the bulletin will have to be abandoned and we will produce a new schedule of online Masses for this week. This schedule will be posted on this parish news page. God Bless, Fr Mark At the beatification of Blessed Carlo Acutis on Saturday it was announced that his feast day shall be on October 12th, the day he died and was born into Eternal Life. As our new parish patron this means that from now on October 12th will be our parish Feast Day. This means that our new parish will be blessed by the prayers of a great panoply of Saints! SS Peter & Paul Apostles, St Michael the Archangel, St Bernadette, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Blessed John Sugar, Martyr, and now Blessed Carlo Acutis, the first millennial to be beatified. As we have not received the new official Mass prayers for the feast, we will be using the "Common of Men Saints for one Saint" from the Lectionary and the Liturgy of the Hours. To download the prayers and readings for Mass today click the button below: Prayer in Thanksgiving for the Beatification of the Blessed Carlo Acutis
Oh Father, we give you thanks for the ardent testimony of Blessed Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the core of his life and the strength of his daily commitments so that everybody may love You above all else. Confirm my faith, nurture my hope, strengthen my charity, in the image of young Carlo who, growing in these virtues, now lives with You. Grant me the grace that I need … I trust in You, Father, and your Beloved Son Jesus, in the Virgin Mary, our Dearest Mother, and in the intervention of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024