Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard to decorate our churches for Christmas, to our musicians, servers and readers. We were greatly blessed in our celebrations this year! See all our churches beautifully decorated below.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this essential talk on Assisted suicide has had to be changed form Monday to WEDNESDAY 6th November. Please remember you can watch it on zoom if you cannot make it to St Joseph's.
If you are able, please make an effort to attend this talk at St Joseph's. It is extremely important as Catholics that we understand what is at stake if the law on Assisted Suicide is changed in our country. If you cannot get to St Joseph's you can watch by zoom by following the instructions below. There is also the excellent Pastoral Letter written on this subject by the Cardinal last weekend. Please click the following link to read it. Pastoral Letter by Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
Next weekend we are celebrating the Solemnity of Blessed Carlo Acutis. The Feast day is on Saturday, but as he is our patron we can transfer this to Sunday 13th October and celebrate it as a Solemnity. This year the relic will be available at each of the Sunday Masses but also at the SVP Mass for the sick on Saturday 12th at St Michael's Church.
In preparation for the feast we are starting our Novena today on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Click here for a copy of the Novena. SPECIAL SESSION FOR ALL EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION This will take place on Friday 27th September at 6.30pm in ST Michael’s Hall. It will be followed by a reception with refreshments.
FAMILY & FRIENDS SKITTLES NIGHT (Indoor bowling). FREE Entry. Saturday 21st September at 7pm in St Michael's Church Hall. Raffle and refreshments available. BYO drinks and nibbles if you wish. Proceeds to Good Shepherd Ministry. Further details from Sarah: 07948 963325 Email: [email protected] MACMILLAN AFTERNOON TEA & CRAFT FAYRE Saturday 28th September, 2pm-4.30pm in St Michael's Church Hall. Free entry. Delicious home-made cakes, scones and sandwiches. Tea & coffee brought to your table. Donations via cash or BACS transfer on the day. Bring friends and loved ones. We appreciate donations of cakes and bakes for the afternoon tea, please. Further details and to pledge items, contact Sarah: 07948 963325 Email: [email protected] CHARITY REMEMBRANCE CONCERT - West Midlands Concert Band. Saturday 9th November at 7pm in St Michael's Church Hall. Tickets just £8. Bookings will open soon, so save the date. Brought to you by Catholic Women's League. CHRISTMAS PLANNING: if you will be wanting a Nativity Scene this Christmas, please see the catalogue at St Michael's Piety Stall this July. Dozens of styles and sizes are available, and orders are placed this summer. (The main Christmas plus Confirmation order will be made next week so will be a large one. I am reluctant to be speculative when the costs of items such as crib figures have risen markedly.) Pope Francis has recognized a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, paving the way for him to become the first millennial saint. In a decree on May 23, Pope Francis approved the miraculous healing of Valeria Valverde from Costa Rica who had a serious accident on her bicycle while studying in Florence in 2022. Her head was seriously injured and she underwent an emergency operation reduce the pressure on her brain. Her family were told that she could die at any moment, so her mother went to Assisi to pray for healing at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis. On the very same day, Valeria began to breathe on her own and then began to recover the use of her upper limbs and speech. 10 days later she was discharged from intensive care and to the surprise of her doctors, tests showed that the damage from the haemorrhage in her brain had completely disappeared. Contrary to all expectations she only spent one week doing physio and two months later she went on pilgrimage to Carlo Acutis’ tomb in Assisi to celebrate her complete healing.
His canonisation will probably take place during the Jubilee year in 2025. Once we know the date we will be making suitable preparations for celebrations in our parish! On Sunday afternoon February 18th, all those who have been on our Journey in Faith programme since last September attended the Rite of Election at St Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham. This is the formal ceremony where the Archbishop welcomes them into the life of the diocese and they begin their final preparations before being baptised or received into the church during Eastertide this year. Please keep our catechumens and candidates in your prayers during lent as they get ready to receive the sacraments.
In February, the Dudley and Wolverhampton Deanery will be hosting a series of vocation events, “Listening to God’s Call”
There will be three online sessions on Tuesday evenings at 7pm: 20th Feb: Consecrated Life, 27th Feb: Marriage and Single Life. 5th March: Priesthood and Diaconate, Everyone is welcome to join the sessions. The Zoom link is Meeting ID: 880 3319 9202, Passcode: 218505 These meeting s will be recorded and will be available on YouTube afterwards. THERE WILL ALSO BE TWO SPECIAL MASSES FOR VOCATIONS, after which there will be an opportunity to meet some of the speakers: Wednesday 7th February at 2pm at St Michael’s, Coalway Road, Wolverhampton, Thursday 22nd February at 5pm at St Joseph’s, Willenhall Road, Wolverhampton. For more information, please contact: [email protected] WHATSAPP PRAYER GROUP FOR VOCATIONS The Dudley and Wolverhampton Deanery Vocations Group have set up a WhatsApp Prayer Group with the aim of forming a ‘prayer bank’ for Vocations month in February. We started with a target of 1000 Hail Marys collectively, which we have achieved. If you are interested in joining the prayer bank to offer prayers for vocations, then please email: [email protected] with your name and mobile number and ask to be added to the WhatsApp Prayer Group. Please note that for safeguarding purposes, participants must be aged 18 years and over. This Advent we begin a year of preparation for the Holy Year in 2025. The Holy Father has asked us to make PRAYER the focus of our preparation. Advent often gets lost in the preparations for Christmas, so to help us focus more on prayer we are encouraging the following initiatives:
The First Session of the Synod in Rome has come to an end. A Letter to the People of God and a Synthesis Report have been produced by the Assembly and can be accessed on our Synod page. Another meeting in Rome will take place in October 2024.
With synod discussions continuing in Rome this month, it may be of interest to check out the 'Synod Page' on our website. You will find the responses we collected at parish level as well documents produced by the Diocesan, Continental and Universal stages. The working document that is being used in Rome, called the Instrumentum Laboris, is available to read. Links to an interesting podcast series by Christopher Lamb can also be accessed. Three young people from our parish (Ann, Tobi and Patrick) together with Fr. Sean from August 1-6 2023, were at the World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. Together with other young people from the Archdiocese of Birmingham, they joined over a million young Catholics across the globe to celebrate the Catholic faith. They share their amazing experience including Mass with Pope Francis, after several efforts and fundraising to make their participation a reality. On Saturday 1st July, 3 young people from our parish (Tobi, Dumebi and Ann) completed a sponsored climb of mount Snowdon in Wales along with Fr Sean and two other group leaders, Jemmima and Stephanie. This was part of their efforts to raise money to attend World Youth day in Portugal.
They took the Llanberis path up the mountain which is 14.5 KM long! The bottom of the mountain was fair weathered, warm and sunny. The middle of the mountain was incredibly steep and tested everyones resolve but they persevered. As they neared the top they entered the clouds, where the temperature dropped, the wind increased, and the visibility reduced significantly. Every now and then a big gust of wind would lift up the clouds revealing the beautiful scenes of the valleys below. There was great satisfaction upon finally reaching the summit of the highest mountain in Wales. The work was not finished however, as the journey down hill is, surprisingly, perhaps the hardest part on the legs. A massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored Tobi, Dumbebi and Ann for this climb! If you would like to support them in their fundraising efforts please give your donation in a clearly marked envelope. On Tuesday 20th June 2023 at 7pm, vespers were held at S.S Peter and Paul church to launch the exhibition of the Holy Shroud of Turin Replica. Led by Mgr. Mark Crisp, in attendance were many from various Christian denominations in Wolverhampton, including Rev. David Wright from St Peter's Collegiate Church and Rev. Linda Gilson from the Methodist Church. The St. Peters Collegiate Church choir graced the evening with beautiful singing. Pam Moon, the curator of the exhibition gave a talk on the history and mysteries surrounding the Holy Shroud of Turin. She explained how the burial shroud was used to wrap the body of Jesus, and how the image on the Turin Shroud matches all the wounds inflicted on Jesus. How the image was formed on the shroud remains a mystery. The exhibition continues in S.S Peter and Paul till the 2nd of July 2023. The feast of Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, on Sunday 11th June 2023 at S.S Peter and Paul Church in Wolverhampton climaxed with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament after Holy Mass. This involved a large joyous congregation including children who beautified the celebration with colourful petals. The procession was from S.S Peter and Paul Church to St. Peters Square where the congregation gathered and blessed the city of Wolverhampton. Mgr. Mark Crisp indicated that the gathering at St. Peters Square was very significant, since the monks invited by Lady Wulfruna (founder of Wolverhampton) many years ago to evangelise the area lived there.
Antonia Salzano, the mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis, is making a short visit to London. On Wednesday 31st May from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, there will be Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction presided over by Bishop Nicholas Hudson, especially for young people of the diocese. During this time Antonia will talk about her son’s trust and focus on the Lord in the Eucharist. You can watch this by following the live stream below: On Thursday 1st June at 6.30pm in the Church of Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, there will be a Sung Mass after which Antonia will also talk about her son, his life and his relationship with the Lord. To follow this, click on the second livestream below: On Sunday 14th May parishioners from all our three churches met at St Bernadette's to process through the streets and then crown the statue of Our Lady at our Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Wombourne. This was the first Parish May Procession in many years and it was so successful that we intend to make it an annual event from now on. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make is such a blessed afternoon!
After the discipline of lent it is easy to take a bit of a spiritual dip; well not this year! Fr Sean will be leading a free Easter week retreat beginning on Monday 10th until Monday 17th April. The theme of the retreat will be ‘Union with God through faith, Hope and Love.’ It will last about ten minutes per day. The retreat can be joined online through the Catholic prayer social media website and app called ‘Hozana.’ To join, click the button or 'Hozana' link below:
Thanks to everyone (over 100 people!) who came to the Good Friday walk of Witness in the city centre of Wolverhampton. God blessed us with sunshine. Just as Jesus was not ashamed to go to the cross for our salvation, so we are not ashamed to bear witness to our love for our crucified Lord and saviour. Jesus prayed on the night before he died that we might all be one. Joining together with our brother and sisters from across Wolverhampton for this time of prayer was a great way to put this unity into action. We were honoured to be joined by The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Wolverhampton Sandra Samuels OBE. Have a look at the pictures from the day. Thank you to everyone who joined the competition to decorate the best Easter egg, All of the eggs look amazing, and I hope you enjoy seeing them in Church. They will be in St Michaels this weekend, St B’s next and St P&P the weekend afterwards. There were two prizes: one for under and over tens. The incredible winning egg for the under tens (and overall winner) goes to 8-year-old Fionn O’Dell from St Bernadette’s. Congratulations! The over ten winner is Denise Creswell. Well Done! Prizes can be collected from Fr Sean. A few of the other eggs:This week the Bishops of England and Wales have released important statements concerning Buffer Zones and Migrant Policy. Please click below to read the full statements on their website.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024