There will be a special welcome for 2021 with Praise and Worship at 11.00pm on New Year’s Eve and then Mass at 11.30pm leading into the New Year.
It will be held at SS Peter & Paul Church and it will also be online. The Praise and Worship songs will be led by the students of Wolverhampton University. As there is more interest than expected for this Mass, it is best to book a seat by ringing 07934905283 Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and many blessings over the Christmas Octave!
The Sundays bulletin is now ready and can be downloaded from the 'Mass Times and Bulletin' page. Please remember it is essential to book a seat for Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There are not many places left at St Bernadette's or St Michael's but there are still many places left at the Masses in SS Peter & Paul Church.
For all the details of how to book, go to the latest edition of the Bulletin which you can download from the Mass Times and Bulletin Page On Wednesday evening local radio organised and event to sing carols on your doorstep. A few of us decided to join in by socially distancing and standing outside St Michael's. Musicians and readers from SS Peter & Paul Church also put on a virtual Carol Service on Tuesday Evening. You can watch this any time over Christmas and sing along with the carols at home. Simply Click the link below. Also, if you have 20 minutes to spare, the children from SS Peter & Paul School have put on a wonderful virtual nativity play. Have a watch by clicking the button below and brighten up your Christmas preparations!
A message from Fr Mark if you are thinking of volunteering in any way over the Christmas period:
A GP friend of mine in Walsall has asked for help with the role out of the COVID vaccination programme in Walsall. They need volunteers to help at the sites as Stewards and Marshalls. The role will involve assisting patients and helping to direct them around the site. Many of the patients will be elderly and may require limited mobility assistance. Full training will be given and Protective Equipment such as face masks will be provided. Should you wish to volunteer please contact Dr Ryan Hobson at [email protected]. We celebrated the Rorate Mass this morning by candlelight at SS Peter and Paul and online. A Rorate Mass is a special Mass of our Lady celebrated in Advent before sunrise. Rorate is the first word in Latin of the Entrance Antiphon of the Mass: Drop down ye heavens from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness.
We pray to Our Lady today on the feast of Our lady of Guadaloupe, that we may be open to receive in our hearts, Jesus the light of the world. Next week's bulletin is now ready to download from the Mass Times and Bulletin page. The correct phone number for St Michael's is now working again, so you can forget the temporary number.
So, once again the number to phone St Michael's is: 01902 341 343 This week in the gospel we meet John the Baptist whose clarion call is: Prepare the way of the Lord.
The bulletin is now ready to download from the Mass Times and Bulletin Page. Please take note of all the Advent activities that are available, and please do remember that you must book if you wish to attend one of the Christmas Masses. God Bless, Fr Mark The Archbishop has written to us with deep regret and a sense of shame, as a priest of our Archdiocese, has been found guilty of serious offences against a child victim. The offences took place between 2006 and 2009. A copy of the letter can be downloaded by clicking the button below. Let us pray for all who have suffered from abuse, and all who have been affected indirectly by this case.
The Advent Edition of the Sower is now available to download form the button below. Hard copies will be available in the porches of our churches for those who do not have the internet.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024