The Bulletin for this week is now available for download if you are printing it for friends who are not online. The 5 Archbishops of England & Wales have issued a very important joint statement concerning the present situation with coronavirus. It is called "A People who Hope in Christ". Please click the button below to download and read it. This Sunday is Vocations Sunday and at Mass there will be a Pastoral Letter from our Archbishop.
The Holy Father is encouraging us to pray more at home by praying the Rosary each day during the Month of May. We will be live-streaming the Rosary on Tuesday Evenings at 7.00pm so that we can pray the Rosary together across the three parishes. Please note that it is Tony Haden's Funeral on Monday and Mass that evening will be a Requiem Mass for him as only a few will be able to attend the cemetery service. Please also remember in your prayers two of our parishioners who have died this week: Alfonsina Lombardi and Kathleen Bowman. May they rest in peace. VOCATIONS SUNDAY Click the buttons below to download resources to help us all pray during this week for vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. Comments are closed.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024