OPENING OF ST MICHAEL’S FOR PRIVATE PRAYER This Sunday afternoon St Michael’s will open as normal from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm but next weekend it will only be open on Sunday from 3.00- 4.00pm. Please note this is only for private prayer. It is essential to wear a face-covering and it is important that if you or a member of your household or bubble are showing symptoms of Covid 19 that you do not come to church. If you do come to pray, please follow the guidance of the stewards, whose responsibility is to maintain the safety of all who are in the Church.
CONGRATULATIONS to David Bench our Seminarian from the Venerable English College in Rome. Having successfully completed his second year in formation for Priesthood, he is now able to receive the Ministry of Lector. The Archbishop has delegated Fr Mark to confer this Ministry to him during Online Mass next Sunday. (See the article below here on the Parish News Page) MASS INTENTIONS if you would like a Mass offered for someone, please ring Fr Mark on 10902 423005 Please be patient about when a Mass can be said, because there are so many Masses coming in, they are already booked up into August. THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is outside St Michael’s Church next Saturday from 11.00 am - 12.00 midday. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS This is a difficult time for many people but if you are able to continue giving an offering, please consider paying directly into the parish account. Please follow the directions on our website. RETURN OF CELEBRATION OF PUBLIC MASS We are gradually re-introducing Public Mass, starting this Friday at St Michael’s at 6.30pm. We will be having Mass in the other churches soon but we need to build up teams of volunteers in order for this to be possible. You can only attend if you have booked a seat beforehand. It will not be possible to turn up and expect to be allowed in. This is strange, and it goes against everything we expect at Mass but it is essential that we do not exceed the numbers allowed and compromise anybody’s safety. You will also have to wear face covering or you will not be allowed to enter. (This does not have to be a mask but can be a scarf) HOW TO BOOK FOR A PLACE AT MASS? Please ring Sr Lydwin to book a place on 01902 341343. If you have an email address she will then email you an entrance ticket. When you come to Mass, you will need to show this to the steward in order to be admitted into the church. If you do not use emails, Sr Lydwin will print your ticket and you will need to go to the presbytery at St Michael’s before Mass to pick up your ticket before you go into church.If you are in the extremely vulnerable category of shielding or have received specific personal instructions from the Government not to attend religious services then you must not attend. For the safety of all who attend Mass, the government has advised that contact details be kept for everyone who comes to Mass, for a period of 21 days. That information will be destroyed after 21 days. It will be made available to the Track and Trace Service if they contact the parish to request that information. It will only be made available to any third party if that is required by law. The parish is committed to ensuring that information we hold about you is properly and securely held in accordance with the law. You can find out more from our Privacy Notice, which is at It is in the legitimate interests of the parish to hold this information about you This parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, registered charity number 234216. WHAT WILL MASS BE LIKE? Attendees must: + Have already pre-booked a seat, + Wear a face covering, + Remain 2 metres apart, + Sanitise hands on entering and exiting the Church, + Follow the signs, + Listen to the stewards, + Not enter the sanctuary area or sacristy. Holy Communion + Will take place after Mass has finished, + Watch for stewards’ instructions when to proceed row by row to communion, + Receive in silence by hand only. Fully extend your arms so that you are a safe distance from the priest. + Move to the side and partially lower face covering to consume the host. + Once you have reverently received the host, leave the church in single file. Please Note: + Holy water is not available, + The Church will be disinfected after each Liturgy, + All parish meetings and ministry events, remain suspended until further notice. Please stay at home if... + You may have a pre-existing condition or are immuno-compromised, + You are feeling ill, + You suspect you may be ill or have been exposed to COVID-19, + You have a sick family member at home. During Mass No... + Altar servers, + Children’s liturgy, + Eucharistic ministers, + Offertory procession, + Physical sign of peace, + Chalice distribution, + Parish missalettes or hymn books, + Singing, + Collection bags, + Toilets available, + Congregating afterwards outside. Government advice is that those with severe breathing difficulties and the under 5’s are not required to wear face coverings. For the adults who cannot wear face coverings the advice is that they stay 2 metres distant from others. Children must be with their families and so distant from others. THERE IS STILL NO OBLIGATION FOR PEOPLE TO ATTEND MASS ON SUNDAYS. You can choose any day of the week and the Bishops fully encourage you to continue praying the Mass by watching it online. Each week we will gradually build up more celebrations of Mass so that you can choose which day you would like to come. Please be aware that Fr Mark is the only priest available to celebrate Mass across all three churches and he also needs to continue the online Masses for those who must stay at home. THE CHURCHES OF SS PETER & PAUL AND ST BERNADETTE will eventually open but beforehand, both will need teams of stewards and cleaners. If you are able to volunteer, please use the new volunteer form on the website, or if you do not use the internet, give your contact details to Sr Lydwin. SVP support - if you or anyone you know is in need of support particularly during this pandemic please contact Sr Lydwin or David Spinks at 07544960402. SVP - furniture available We have been advised by Birmingham Central Council that there is available a three quarter size bed in very good condition, and a mahogany dining table and 4 chairs, also in good condition. Both need new homes asap, so let me know if you are aware of someone who needs either of these. Thanks and stay safe. David Spinks 07544 960402. 'Free School Meal' (FSM) Children We are having a 'drive and drop' food/toiletries collection to support FSM families during the summer holidays. A car with its boot open will be parked outside St Michael's Church for one hour EVERY Tuesday 1-2, Thursday 10-11 and Saturday 10-11. All donations will be gratefully received by The Well (Wolverhampton Food Bank). Alternatively, much-needed supplies can still be taken to the Good Shepherd Ministry via 2, Richmond Rd WV3 9HY or Food Bank via The Vicarage 21A, St Jude's Rd WV6 0EB. For further information please phone 340479. To date 356kg of food/toiletries and £105 have been donated to The Well. Thank you so much! The Life Charity shop at 12 Lichfield Street is now open daily 10am-4pm. If you have unwanted clothes, bric-a-brac or books to donate they will be much appreciated. I'm happy for you to drop your donated goods at my house or to collect them from you, please ring me on 01902 330553 to make arrangements. Alternatively consider visiting the shop and delivering your items yourself; you'll find good measures in place to ensure your safety. Please DO NOT leave donated goods at church at the present time. Thank you! Rosalie FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Mason Kavanagh, Jenner Martin, Paula Box, June Abbiss, Peter Holmes, Alice Stevens, George Brown, Chris Starkey, M Mary, Thomas Mackin, Stephen Briggs, Hilary Elsden, Katherine Poole, Teresa Mitchell, Ann Bayley, Helen O’Brien-Coleman, Mary Abbiss, Peggy McHale, Patrick Quinn, Fred & Celia Norton, Jean Hollingshead, Margaret Stokes, Leah Nixon, Pat Pool, John Dolan, Liam Dolan, Marie Looker, Lorna Ciraulo, Pat Eades, Helen Porter, Mary Kirby, Sheila O’Toole, Tony McGinn, Brendan Bleakley. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY: John Barratt, John Stanley, Dorothy Stephenson, Mary Lawley, Anne Patterson, Fr David Duggan, Kathleen Bowman, Alfonsina Lombardi, Tony Haden, Ignatius Kelly, Margaret Vicino, Claire Hallett. May they rest in peace. Safeguarding Representatives: Steve & Chris Callow (St Michael) 01902 340775, Maria Iafigliola (SS Peter and Paul) 07931406866 Ann Shorthouse (St Bernadette) 01902 326334 Comments are closed.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024