LIVE STREAMING APPEAL Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously and so quickly! We have now raised an amazing sum of £2825 (a combination of online donations and direct donations). We will give you the final cost of the project once the details have been finalised by the Finance Committee next Saturday.
OPENING OF CHURCHES FOR PRIVATE PRAYER Out of our three churches, St Michael's is large enough and has the best access, so we are focusing on opening this church first. Some alterations have to be made, however, on the Fire Doors and a company are coming in next week to deep clean the church. We also need to have a training session with our volunteers who will be stewards and cleaners. For all these reasons it will therefore not be able to open this week but we do hope to open next Sunday, 21st June for a couple of hours. There will be more information in next week’s bulletin. DIAL FOR MASS Remember, it is possible for those who do not have the internet to listen to Mass on the Telephone. It is very simple, five minutes before Mass starts phone 0333 0164 757 then when asked for the room number, dial: 50078530 # and then when asked for the pin number, dial: 4441 # This will take you straight through to the phone in church and you will be able to listen to Mass. If it does not work on the first attempt, it may be that we have been held up this end so please try again. JUNE DEVOTIONS TO THE SACRED HEART On Sundays of June after Mass, we will be praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart. There will be a copy of this on the website, so if you don't have the Internet, please ask a friend to print off a copy for you. As this Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi, we will be praying this before the Exposed Blessed Sacrament. YELLOW/ORANGE THEMED QUIZ prepared with the support of young parishioners now on the website: why not "phone a friend" attending at another church for parish trivia help! Answers in 3 weeks. [email protected] The answers to the previous quiz are now on the website. Ask a friend to print them off if you do not have access. MARYVALE SACRED HEART NOVENA All are invited to join online for the Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at Maryvale Institute. There will be a Mass, Sermon and Novena live-streamed each evening at 8pm from Thursday 11 June to Friday 19 June 2020 (Feast of the Sacred Heart). Archbishop Bernard Longley will be celebrating Mass on Sunday 21 June at 11am (on the day the ‘physical’ Pilgrimage would have taken place). It will be live streamed from St Chad’s Cathedral. Full details, and how to access each event, are available on the Diocesan website: and Maryvale Institute website: 'FREE SCHOOL MEALS' (FSM) CHILDREN We are having a 'drive and drop' food/toiletries collection to support FSM families during the summer holidays. A car with its boot open (weather permitting!) will be parked outside St Michael's Church for one hour EVERY Tuesday 1-2, Thursday 10-11 and Saturday 10-11 starting Tuesday 16th June. All donations will be gratefully received by The Well (Wolverhampton Food Bank). Alternatively, much-needed supplies can still be taken to the Good Shepherd Ministry via 2, Richmond Rd WV3 9HY or Food Bank via The Vicarage 21A, St Jude's Rd WV6 0EB. Any of the following would be greatly appreciated: There is a shortage of items in CAPITAL LETTERS: UHT milk and cereal; dried food eg PASTA, RICE, PASTA and RICE SACHETS and noodles; tinned food eg CUSTARD, VEGETABLES (POTATOES, CARROTS and PEAS), meat, fish, fruit, soup; tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits; JAM, MARMALADE and CHOCOLATE SPREAD; toiletries eg TOOTHBRUSHES, soap, toothpaste, shampoo and shower gel. For further information please phone 340479. Thank you MASS INTENTIONS if you would like a Mass offered for someone, please ring Fr Mark on 10902 423005 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS This is a difficult time for many people but if you are able to continue giving an offering to the church, please consider paying directly into the parish account. Please follow the directions on our website. FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Paula Box, Dorothy Stephenson, June Abbiss, Peter Holmes, Alice Stevens, George Brown, Chris Starkey, Ann Lewis, M Mary, Thomas Mackin, Stephen Briggs, Hilary Elsden, Katherine Poole, Teresa Mitchell, Ann Bayley, Helen O’Brien-Coleman, Mary Abbiss, Peggy McHale, Patrick Quinn, Fred & Celia Norton, Jean Hollingshead, Margaret Stokes, Leah Nixon, Pat Pool, John Dolan, Liam Dolan, Marie Looker, Lorna Ciraulo, Pat Eades, Helen Porter, Mary Kirby, Sheila O’Toole, Tony McGinn, Brendan Bleakley. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY: Dorothy Stephenson, Mary Lawley, Anne Patterson, Fr David Duggan, Kathleen Bowman, Alfonsina Lombardi, Tony Haden, Ignatius Kelly, Margaret Vicino, Claire Hallett, Mike Huntbatch, Celia Saddler, Susie Andrews, Noreen James. May they rest in peace. Safeguarding Representatives: Steve & Chris Callow (St Michael) 01902 340775 Maria Iafigliola (SS Peter and Paul) 07931406866 Ann Shorthouse (St Bernadette) 01902 326334 These parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Registered as a charity No. 234216. Archbishop of Birmingham + Bernard Longley Comments are closed.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024