The printable version of this bulletin is on the Mass Times and Bulletin page. Please print out a copy for any neighbour who does not have the Internet. THIS SUNDAY IS THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR EASTERN CHRISTIANS This Day of Prayer enables Eastern and Western Christians to come together in communion through prayer, and is shared by the Eastern Churches in communion with the Pope, including the Armenian Catholic, Chaldean, Coptic Catholic, Ethiopian and Eritrean Catholic (in Africa), Greek Melkite, Maronite, Syrian Catholic, Syro-Malabar (in India), Syro-Malankara (in India). The Eastern Christians are direct descendants of the Early Christians and trace their roots back to apostolic times. There are more than 26 million Eastern Christians living in the Middle East and surrounding regions. For Western Christians, they provide a direct link to the Early Church, leading us to the roots of Christianity and showing us, through their tradition and witness, a living faith in Christ. Many Eastern Christians are suffering great persecution and trauma through the wars in the Middle East and desperately need our support. PRAYER FOR EASTERN CHRISTIANS “Heavenly Father, we pray today for peace in the world, especially in the Middle East. By your heavenly grace, strengthen the faith and hope of Eastern Christians. May they be blessed with peace and prosperity in their lands. And may we be inspired by their devotion and witness to the Gospel, by their love and compassion for all in their communities, and by their courage, their endurance and self-sacrifice against oppression. Through their charity, tolerance and friendship, bring peace and reconciliation to those troubled lands, where Christianity was born and first spread. Through Christ our Lord. Amen” PENTECOST NOVENA The nine days after the Solemnity of the Ascension to Pentecost are traditionally set aside for prayer uniting ourselves with the Apostles gathered with Mary in the upper room in Jerusalem waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is where we get the term, Novena, which comes from the Latin word for nine - Novem. There will be Novena prayers available to print out on the website before Thursday. Also there are some good resources for adults and for children on the "Thy Kingdom Come" website. Click below for more details. SUPPORTING THE HUNGRY: If you are unable to use on-line money donations to support eg Good Shepherd Ministry please consider dropping off items through your hour of exercise for the addresses below. Items listed in bold run out quickly, though all are welcomed. These can be left at the Brothers (2, Richmond Road or at GS Ministry Waterloo Road premises) The Vicarage, 21A St Jude’s Rd WV6 0EB. Here is a list of suitable items needed: UHT milk; Fruit juice; Tinned meat; Tea/coffee; pasta sauce; Tinned vegetables and tomatoes; Soup (inc Pot Noodles);Pasta; Rice; Lentils, beans and pulses; sugar; Tinned fruit; Biscuits; Household items (soap, laundry detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid) Toiletries (deodorant, toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes; Feminine hygiene products ):; Baby supplies – nappies, baby wipes and baby food. THE WELL, the home of Wolverhampton Food Bank, has written to thank us for the 606.9kg of food and toiletries donated for 'Free School Meal' children during the period June to December 2019. In 2019 The Well supported 10 000 individuals, one third of whom were children. More information can be found on ROSARY DURING THE MONTH OF MAY The Holy Father has asked us to renew our devotion to praying the Rosary at home each day during the month of May. To help us pray together as a community, we will be praying the Rosary on Tuesday Evenings Online at 7.00pm. QUIZ TIME: Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain: which flower was the badge of his Ducal House? The colours of the rainbow will be used as a basis for a series of parish quizzes. The first theme is therefore: red. A new one will come out every 3 weeks, with answers after 4. Answers - team or otherwise- can be sent to St Michael's and St Bernadette's Youth Group e-mail: [email protected]. Any questions:336534.The Quiz is on the website. If you don't have access, ask a friend to print it off for you. CAFOD The effects of coronavirus on developing countries where CAFOD works are to be devastating. Families without enough to eat and without access to clean water and healthcare are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus. The poorest and most marginalised communities will be pushed further into poverty. Your prayers and gifts are needed now more than ever to help protect the lives of those in poor communities. While we are not able to hold physical collections in our church, you can donate as individuals at Coronavirus in Colombia Through the HandsOn project, SS Peter and Paul has been supporting the people of Magdalena Medio in Columbia. This is the latest update. “Covid-19 was formally identified in Colombia in March 2020. In late March the Colombian government closed the borders. Now healthcare services in the country have collapsed. Please pray for the people of Colombia, for CAFOD’s work there and especially for our friends in Magdalena Medio.” A Great Opportunity to Help: Scrubhub Wolverhampton is looking for people to either sew (material is already cut out for you) or drive deliveries of scrubs locally. If you could help or donate please email [email protected] or phone Helena on 07734926777. Thank you! Mass intentions If you would like a Mass offered for someone, please fill in the form on our website or ring Sr Lydwin on 01902 341 343. Financial Contributions This is a difficult time for many people but if you are able to continue giving an offering to the church, please consider paying directly into the parish account. Please follow the directions on our website. Comments are closed.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024