From Sunday 21st June, St Michael’s will be open for Private Prayer before the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday afternoon from 2.00pm till 4.00pm and every Saturday from 11.00am to 1.00pm. There will be three stewards on duty for the duration of these times of prayer, please follow their instructions at all times to ensure the safety of everyone present. If there is a long queue outside the church, you may wish to wait in your car. Please wear a face covering before you enter the church and refrain from touching anything while you are in the church. Please follow the one-way system around the church at all times as indicated in the plan that you can find by clicking the button below: When you enter the church, please clean your hands with hand gel and make your way to one of the places marked with a green tick. Only sit or kneel at one of these allocated places.
If you come as a family, sit together between two green ticks. After you have spent some time in prayer, if you wish to donate towards the costs of the Personal Protection Equipment and Hand Gel, there will be a collection dish near the Baptismal Font. If you wish to light a candle, go to the Shrine of our Lady and the Sacred Heart, clean your hands with the hand gel provided and take a candle and place it on the stand and place your donation for the candle in the candle box as normal. Then move to the allocated area 6 foot away, and the steward will then light the candle for you. Remain at this distance while you are praying and then please leave the church by the fire exit. If a long queue develops outside the church, the steward will ring a bell. If you have already been in the church a while, this is a polite reminder that other people are waiting, and it is time to leave. If you, or anyone in your household or support bubble has symptoms or has been tested positive and are having to isolate under government guidelines, then please do not come to church, but continue to pray at home. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that we keep the church as a safe place to pray. May God Bless you and keep you and your families safe. Mgr Mark Crisp Parish Priest. Comments are closed.
InformationThis page page displays the latest announcements. For regular weekly news, please ensure you also read the Parish Bulletin, which is available on the Home page. For previous versions of the Bulletin, click here. Archives
December 2024